Ms Olivia 1-800-601-6975

Ms Olivia 1-800-601-6975

I got this email from someone who wants to eat their own cum but…..

This is very common!  Don’t despair!  Ms Violet and I are both experts at teasing you until you are ready to take that first lick.  After all, when you turn your cock control over to a Mistress, you really must do what Mistress says, right?  ~grinz~

Losing the urge to eat cum when you cum

Many people have the syndrome I call:  cum and go.  That means while you’re thinking about eating your own cum it’s totally hot and you want to lick up that gooey cum.  BUT…..after you cum, you lose all the desire to eat your own cum!

The is a certain humiliating irony involved here.  Once you have the cum available to eat, you suddenly don’t want to eat it!   This is very, very common.  This is especially common for those who are new to cum eating and cum eating fantasies.

What to do?

Here’s how one caller describes the problem and a possible solution!

Hello Ms. Olivia and thank You for asking me to email You about my cum eating fantasies.
As expressed on Your poll, i have not acquired the taste for cum, but am completely turned on by a strong Woman telling me i am going to eat it when (if) i finish.
i have done legs in the air, cock aimed at open mouth position, and this is especially hot due to the hot cum splashing my face and lips and back of my throat. Even as the urge to swallow a load disappears (as it always does immediately upon release), i am left with the humiliating walk to the bathroom to clean cum from my face in the mirror.

This is one of My personal favorites!

The no fail cum eating position

If you are limber enough to throw your legs over your head then you will, quite simply, HAVE to do something with the hot cum that splashes on your face!  ~grinz~  You will either have that trip to the mirror with all the erotic humiliation involved OR you will, at some point, just have to stick out your tongue and taste a bit of that creamy cum!  ~smiles~

Mistress is patient with new cum eaters

When you’re ready to give this a try, give US a try!  ~smiles~  Check out My main blog for the Experienced Mistress schedule.  Let’s … ahem …. talk!

Ms Olivia