Girls Eat Cum – So Should Sissies

It’s cum eating for sissies day…

And, since a sissy is really trying to strive to be as feminine and girly as she can be, then you really should do what other women are expected to do, shouldn’t you?  You should eat cum.  Actually, if you’re one of my sissies, you WILL eat cum, and you WILL love it! Men seem to think it’s okay that their girlfriends and wives eat cum, but they won’t.  Well, however wrong that is, the fact of the matter is that you are a sissy – so it’s moot point.  

Starting With Your Own

One thing I like about my sissies is they are neat and tidy.  And when you’re neat and tidy, you should never leave a mess, right?  So, on those rare occasions your Mistress allows you to rub your sissy clitty and have a sissygasm, you should make sure you clean up all of those cummies, shouldn’t you?  In fact, even if she doesn’t allow you a sissygasm and just makes you tease your clitty through your panties, you should make sure they’re clean before you put them away.  Go ahead, suck out all that wonderful sissy juice!

You Will Become A Cum Junkie

That’s what that first taste of jizz does to a girl – it makes her crave it more and more.  And I am sure your sissy marbles will not produce enough spunk to keep your desire, your thirst for cum at bay.  There will come a time when you will need to seek out other cock to satisfy your cravings.  And I know, when that time comes, you’ll be a bad girl, won’t you?  Like they say, bad girls swallow!

Your Phone Sex Mistress Christine